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Your Gateway to International Success
We build briges between companies and countries, investing in reliability, quality and mutual trust.
We provide expert support to small and medium-sized International businesses entering German, Austrian, Swiss and other leading European industrial markets
We provide expert support to small and medium-sized International businesses entering German, Austrian, Swiss and other leading European industrial markets
Our Services:
Business Localization and Relocation
Unlock New Opportunities with Our Business Localization and Relocation Services.
We will represent you and your interests, or accompany you to a meeting or industry-specific event to help you establish direct contacts with foreign partners.
Ich kenne Dr. Veronika Luebke bereits seit vielen Jahren. Sie ist äußerst zuverlässig, verfügt über analytisches Denkvermögen, entwickelt schnell Problemverständnis und findet selbst unter schwierigsten Bedingungen operative Lösungen. In Deutschland waren für uns viele Gegebenheiten nicht selbstverständlich und wir sind oft auf Probleme gestoßen, die wir jedoch gemeinsam lösen konnten. Noch einmal vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung! Ich freue mich auf unsere weitere Zusammenarbeit.
When we faced starting a business from scratch in Europe over a year ago, it seemed as unattainable as Everest.
But thanks to Veronika and her team, we not only easily handled the most challenging aspects of any new business—accounting, taxes, logistics, customs payments, and marketing — but also took giant strides toward reaching the highest peaks.
And the most important thing is that we can always rely on B17 as ourselves. I feel like Veronika and her colleagues have become part of our team, and we are very happy about it.
Veronika organized a presentation of one of our major products at the European Southern Observatory and helped us communicate not only with managers but also with engineers and scientists. She is a brilliant networking expert in almost any European industry you need to enter. At the stage of formation of our startup, it was contacts of the highest level in Big Science, Aerospace, and Venture Capital, who magically influenced the development of the project.
Vlad Pashkovsky
CEO at StealthTransit
Dear Ms. Luebke,
We have been working together since the end of 2018, and I would like to tell you that we very much appreciate the cooperation with you and Bridge-One-Seven GmbH.
These days, it is not a matter of course that the high level of services is maintained over such a long period of time.
You have advanced the ThermoUp project with great enthusiasm and supported us wherever you could. We would like to thank you very much for this.
We were very satisfied with the quality of the products delivered through you and could always rely on promised deadlines.
We also enjoyed the personal interaction with each other.
All of this together makes you a very pleasant business partner, with whom we would like to continue the cooperation.
We look forward to further joint projects in the future.
Patrick Schüddig
Schwan Glas GmbH & Co. KG
Veronika, the leader of Bridge-One-Seven GmbH, provided professional assistance to our company during the process of opening our legal entity, Nomadland GmbH, in Hanover. She was not only a knowledgeable consultant, but also genuinely cared about our company and its success. Veronica was very responsive to all of our questions and provided us with useful advice at every stage of the process - from finding banking partners to choosing coworking spaces and coordinating the process. Her help was truly invaluable.
Thanks to her deep knowledge and experience in legal matters, our company was able to successfully register our legal entity in Germany on time and without any problems. It was quick, efficient, and very professional. We definitely saved several weeks thanks to her expertise and willingness to help with our project.
I highly recommend Veronika Luebke and her company, Bridge-One-Seven, to anyone seeking assistance with opening and developing a business in Germany. They are true professionals in their field and are always willing to help their clients. We will undoubtedly turn to them again and are very grateful for their help.
Thank you, Veronika and Bridge-One-Seven, for your professional work! You made our process of opening a legal entity in Germany very easy and enjoyable.
Denis Orlov
Nomadland GmbH
Dear B17 team,
Thank you for organizing a series of webinars about exporting products from Eastern Serbia to foreign markets. Regional Development Agency Eastern Serbia is satisfied with the high professional level of events. Attended companies showed an intense interest in business opportunities introduced by your team. We're looking forward to cooperating more in the fields of tourism to Eastern Serbia and exporting regional products to international markets.
For a year and a half, Bridge-One-Seven has helped us build and develop sales channels in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Austria from scratch.
They organized research, meetings with niche consultants, trips to potential partners, and also assisted us in preparing and self-presenting at exhibitions, as well as establishing a remote office in Berlin.
Thanks to Bridge-One-Seven, we have held dozens of negotiations with top officials and obtained hundreds of useful contacts. Now, Bridge-One-Seven is our importer and a full-fledged representative in Europe.
Thank you for the reliability, stability, deep immersion in the project, and most importantly - the result in the form of real, consistent sales! I recommend Bridge-One-Seven to all innovative manufacturers.
From the first days of working with Bridge-One-Seven, it was very pleasant to communicate with an employee who hears and perceives information correctly and is always positive. We were promptly informed about the current situation and everything related to our company. There was no reason to worry about miscommunication with our Turkish partners - Bridge-One-Seven was accurate in negotiation.
The main target for us was the result and not a process. We got what we wanted soon - since June, we have had ongoing negotiations with one of the largest companies in Turkey. She became interested in our product, we will develop our relationship further.
Vasiliy Ivanov
CEO at Terra (limited liability company)
We express our gratitude to Bridge-One-Seven GmbH and personally to Veronika Lubke for assistance in finding clients in Germany.
Bridge-One-Seven GmbH has proved to be a reliable, intelligent, and attentive partner. Bridge-One-Seven GmbH specialists helped with the translation of documents, oral communication during online meetings, with the delivery of product samples during the lockdown 2020. They provided valuable advice on differences in mentality, and on the practical design of presentation materials; they offered options for further interaction in the German market in order to expand our customer base and boost sales.
We are pleased to recommend Bridge-One-Seven GmbH as an expert on the German market for construction companies.
Ilya Kaukin
Head of Marketing Department at PH Insulation
I would like to thank Bridge-One-Seven GmbH for their excellent research of the Polish market and a non-standard approach to negotiations with potential customers.
I would like to note that the final report is much broader than it was stipulated by the contract. The result of the study is very important for choosing a strategy for entering the Polish market.
Der Weg in neue Märkte ist für Unternehmen eine Herausforderung. Wir als Wirtschaftsförderung hannoverimpuls bauen Brücken, um für ausländische Firmen die Expansion in den deutschen Markt und Ansiedlungen in Hannover zu ermöglichen. Mit Frau Dr. Veronika Luebke und ihrem Team bei Bridge-One-Seven haben wir eine hervorragende Partnerin, die unsere Philosophie teilt und für unsere Kunden in allen Belangen eine wertvolle Unterstützung bietet.
Bridge-One-Seven führte für uns Verhandlungen und unterstützte bei der Lösung von komplexen Fragen mit internationalen Vertragspartnern. Auch bei Schulungen für unsere eigenen Mitarbeiter lernten wir das Unternehmen schätzen. Das Team von Bridge-One-Seven zeichnet sich durch hohe Professionalität, individuelle Ansätze für jede Aufgabe und hervorragende Resultate aus. Die Kommunikation mit den Mitarbeitern von Bridge-One-Seven ist sehr angenehm. Sie finden in allen Situationen eine gemeinsame Sprache mit ihren Kunden.
Bei Kundenakquise in Deutschland habe ich sehr gerne mit Bridge-One-Seven zusammengearbeitet. Mein Projekt wurde mit viel Unterstützung und Aufmerksamkeit bearbeitet. Diese Einstellung zur Arbeit hat sich natürlich positiv auf die Ergebnisse unserer Arbeit ausgewirkt.
Im Laufe des Projekts konnte ich immer ein schnelles und qualitativ hochwertiges Feedback zu meinen Anfragen, sowie zur Interaktion mit den deutschen Partnern, von der Bridge-One-Seven erhalten.
Ich kann mit Sicherheit sagen, dass ich mit dem erzielten Resultat zufrieden bin. Fast alle Kundenunternehmen sind mir (durch meine Tätigkeit und Messen) ein Begriff, was als Beweis dafür dient, dass die Agentur Bridge-One-Seven die Potentiale richtig erkannt hat.
Zusammenfassend würde ich das ganze Team als echte Fachmenschen bezeichnen.
Schleifwerkzeuge Konstantin Tyrin E.K.
Im Namen aller Mitarbeitenden von VOLTS Battery danke ich der Firma Bridge-One-Seven für die ausgesprochen professionelle und gründliche Wettbewerbsanalyse für Energiespeichersysteme, die sie für uns auf dem europäischen Markt durchgeführt haben. Wir sind überzeugt, dass diesem ersten Schritt zur Erschließung dieses komplexen, dennoch vielversprechenden Marktes weitere folgen werden und freuen uns auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit.
der erste Schritt unserer Zusammenarbeit war die Übersetzung unserer englischen Produktpräsentation ins Deutsche. Ihr Team hat uns kompetent dabei unterstützt, weil auf die Online-Dienste bei einer solch wichtigen Frage kein Verlass ist. Der nächste Schritt des Projekts war, direkten Kontakt mit den potenziellen Kunden zu erstellen und sie mit dem Produkt und Kooperationsbedingungen vertraut zu machen. Bei diesem Schritt waren Sie immer für uns da - Sie haben alle klärenden Fragen und notwendigen Informationen ständig zwischen uns und den potenziellen Partnern austauschen lassen.
Regelmäßig haben Sie uns relevante Kommunikationsinhalte mitgeteilt, damit wir uns schnell und vor Ort mit den Interessenten in Verbindung setzen konnten. Alle Daten, die Sie bereitgestellt haben, waren detailliert genug, um die Anforderungen unserer potenziellen Kunden zu bestimmen und die optimalen Wege für eine Zusammenarbeit mit ihnen zu identifizieren. Als Ergebnis unserer Zusammenarbeit haben wir einen ausführlichen Bericht von Ihnen erhalten, der uns ermöglicht hat, weiterführende Geschäftsbeziehungen aufzubauen.
Trotz der Sommerferienzeit, die die Dinge etwas verlangsamt hat, konnten wir doch Kontakt zu den Interessenten aufnehmen und einen Dialog beginnen. Wir freuen uns darauf, uns in Kürze mit Ihnen wieder in Verbindung zu setzen, um zu besprechen, was wir erreicht haben.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Arbeit!
Michail Strojkow
CEO Estetica LLC
Im Namen der Geschäftsleitung des Konstruktionsbüros FORMA Industrial Design danke ich der Agentur Bridge-One-Seven GmbH für die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit. Bridge-One-Seven hat uns geholfen, in den mitteleuropäischen Markt einzutreten, und spielte eine Schlüsselrolle für unsere ersten Erfolge. Die Mitarbeiter von Bridge-One-Seven bewiesen ihr Wissen und Können bei der Lösung zahlreicher schwieriger Probleme.
Dank den Mitarbeitern von Bridge-One-Seven konnten wir eine offizielle Vertretung unseres Unternehmens in Berlin eröffnen, neue Kunden finden und erste Verkaufserfolge erzielen. Wir empfehlen Bridge-One-Seven als verlässlichen Partner für die Geschäftsentwicklung von Industrieunternehmen, die ihre Produkte auf dem europäischen Markt verkaufen wollen.
The Export Support Center of Krasnoyarsk Region has successfully collaborated with Bridge-One-Seven GmbH for several years, facilitating the supply of wild-grown products from Krasnoyarsk to Europe. Their expertise and support have been invaluable in navigating challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 2020, the company conducted market research on fresh and dried mushrooms in Germany and the UK. Together, we identified potential partners, resulting in direct air shipments of fresh mushrooms. We also expanded our reach through the Europages platform. Samples of 11 regional wild-grown products were sent to a specialized laboratory in Germany, successfully meeting European market requirements.
Furthermore, in 2022, we explored new opportunities in Serbia, with Bridge-One-Seven GmbH's assistance. We conducted partner searches and organized face-to-face negotiations. In 2023, a new logistics route for air shipments of dried mushrooms through Turkey to Serbia was established. The first batch of dried chanterelles has already been sent, and negotiations for larger deliveries are underway.
We highly recommend Bridge-One-Seven GmbH as a reliable partner, dedicated to fulfilling responsibilities and achieving positive results.
Maria Yarvant
Deputy Chief of the Export Support Center of the Krasnoyarsk Region
Moments of Our Business Life
15+ years of experience
In business relations with Central Europe in industrial trade and project sales
Solid engagements
In business and public sectors
Practical experience
Business missions, meetings with decision-makers and conclusion of contracts
We speak four languages
German, English, Russian and Spanish. We are not afraid of industry jargon
15+ years of experience
In business relations with Central Europe in industrial trade and project sales
Solid engagements
In business and public sectors
Practical experience
Business missions, meetings with decision-makers and conclusion of contracts
We speak four languages
German, English, Russian and Spanish. We are not afraid of industry jargon
Tel.: +49 30 3476-39-98; +49 30 3977-29-30 Address: Am Friedrichshain, 22, 10407, Berlin
We speak German, English, Russian, and Spanish.
Tel.: +49 30 3476-39-98; +49 30 3977-29-30 Address: Am Friedrichshain, 22, 10407, Berlin